As promised.....here's a little red, white and blue penny rug made by me for one lucky winner! Leave a comment below and I will enter your name into the drawing.
Mention this giveaway on
your blog and you will get a bonus entry! (Let me know you did so) If you don't have a blog, make sure you give me an email to contact you if you should win or return here after the 18th to see if you're the winner.
Giveaway begins now and ends at midnight on June 18, 2011. One entry per person. Two for bloggers who share this giveway on their blogs.
This penny rug is made with hand dyed wools in brick red, denim and colonial blues. It is only 5" wide and 14" long. It would look so cute on a little red stool!
So..... what do you say?!! I say.....A penny for your thoughts ;-)